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Communicating with Civility and Respect

It’s hard to imagine a time when people are more stressed than when they are selling their home, or buying a new one.

Sellers have memories and an attachment to their property; buyers have hopes, dreams and sometimes anxieties about moving to a new place. Emotions are at a very high level, and underlying the tension is money, and the fact that for many people a home is their biggest asset. Needless to say, anyone in the real estate profession finds that great skill is necessary to help people navigate the process, to allow their clients to make decisions clearly, and to enable parties with disparate interests to come to agreement.

Communication is the underlying tool. But as George Bernard Shaw said, “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”

Maine citizens deserve lawmakers who will listen to them and communicate with them effectively – not just at election time, but throughout the year.  If elected, I’ll use my communication and writing skills to be sure residents of Camden, Islesboro and Rockport know what is happening in Augusta. I’ll listen carefully to your concerns and act upon them whenever possible, and I’ll find common ground with lawmakers from all parties so that we can get the important work done.

Our Legislature should be a place of respect, dignity and civility. This is not a partisan issue – we need people in Augusta who are committed to communication and civil discourse, and I feel confident that I fit this bill.

Paid for and authorized by Vicki Doudera.


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